AML Training
Federal law requires insurance agents and brokers to complete Anti-Money Laundering Training. Carriers have partnered with LIMRA to provide training to contracted agents. The LIMRA web-based training module was developed in conjunction with insurance compliance professionals. It is available on demand and requires 30 to 45 minutes to complete. Information covered in the course includes: What is money
laundering and why do I need to know about it? How does money laundering occur in the insurance and securities industries? What are my responsibilities to prevent money laundering?. You may participate in training by accessing their website, at

ID: Your ID will be your NPN (National Producer Number). If you do not know your NPN you can find it here.
PASSWORD: The password, if you are a first time user, will be your last name, otherwise, it will be the password you previously selected.

Note: Both the ID and password are entered in lower-case characters only. If you require assistance logging into the LIMRA website, please contact their technical support line: 866-364-2380 and LIMRA will assist you. The training process is approximately 40 minutes.

Link your LIMRA AML Training to your Online Contracting Account:

When training is completed, please sign out of the LIMRA website. Please log on to
● My profile ——-> training tab
● +Add AML Training——->Type LIMRA——>Type in your LIMRA password (you must be logged out of your LIMRA Session in your browser)—–> Retrieve Trainings.